A Poem: Layers

Silence has its layers.
Folded thick with feeling,
stuck fast by lack of expression,
and built upon defences
to protect our tender hearts
from revelation.

But silence makes itself heard,
despite all our attempts to conquer ourselves.
It heralds its entrance
with the heavy tension of the unsaid,
recklessly threatening to break the rules
and find some form of release.

Perhaps our words, if they were given rein
might give voice to those things
which burn within.
Which despite our careful attempts,
communicate themselves
in each unguarded expression.

And could it be so wrong, to share our feelings?
Even though they may not be the same.
By allowing ourselves to unburden
we give ourselves the ultimate consideration.
And although our message may not be received
or returned, we come unbound in the offering

and therein find our healing.

Ana Lisa de Jong
Living Tree Poetry

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